Здесь переводы песен и некоторые тексты редких песен. Многое я переводила сама. Если вы хотите разместить данною инфу у себя, ставьте ссылку!


1. Going Under <3:33>

2. Bring Me To Life <3:55>

3. Everybody’s Fool <3:15>

4. My Immortal <4:21>

5. Haunted <3:04>

6. Tourniquet <4:38>

7. Imaginary <4:17>

8. Taking Over Me <3:50>

9. Hello <3:40>

10. My Last Breath <4:05>

11. Whisper <5:24>

12. Breathe No More {Outtake} <3:49>

13. Farther Away {Outtake} <3:58>

14. Missing {Outtake} <4:15>






Сейчас я расскажу тебе, что я сделала для тебя

50 000 слез я выплакала

Обманывая, кричала и истекала кровью,

И ты всё еще не хочешь меня слушать

Я не просила твоей руки, когда я одна себя спасала

Может я проснусь однажды

Не измученная, ежедневно разрушаемая тобой

В то время как я подумала, я достигла низа

Я опять умираю


Я падаю

Задыхаюсь в тебе

Я падаю навсегда

Я должна переломиться

Я падаю


Смазывание и перемешивание правду и лжу

Итак, я не знаю что, правда, а что нет

Мысли всегда путаются в моей голове

Итак, я не могу больше верить себе

Я опять умираю


Я падаю


Задыхаюсь в тебе

Я падаю навсегда

Я должна переломиться

Я падаю


Итак, иди и кричи

Кричи на меня, пока я так далеко

Я не хочу снова разбиться

Я должна дышать, я не могу продолжать, мне нельзя ломаться


Верни меня к жизни


Лишь смотришь в зеркало моей души? Она нема

Дух мой забылся сном в том мире, где зима

Но ты его найдёшь,

Исцелишь и домой приведёшь...


Ты душу мою пробуди,

Окликни, от тьмы огради,

Теперь оттает моя кровь,

Пока я не исчезла вновь

Ты жизнь мне подари.


Лишь теперь поняла, .

Как без тебя тоскливо….

Не покидай!.

В меня жизнь ты вдохни,.

В пустоте раствориться не дай.


Пожелать могу средь льдов лишь теплоты.

И только ты, любовь моя, луч света в сердце леденящей пустоты.


Как я был слеп,

Живя во тьме,

Но ты и там являлась мне.


Вечность не могла очнуться я,

Но избавил ты меня.


Теперь опустошен,

От смерти спаси,

Это не может быть концом…


Яма для глупца


Совершенный от природы

Изображения собственной прихоти

Только то в чём мы все нуждаемся

Больше лжи о мире, который


Никогда не был и никогда не будет

Ты не опозорен, ты не видишь меня

Ты знаешь, ты одурачил всех


Смотри, она теперь здесь

Поклонись и смотри в удивлении

О, как мы любим тебя

Никаких недостатков, когда ты притворяешься

Но теперь я знаю, она


Никогда не была и никогда не будет

Ты не знаешь, как ты предал меня

Так или иначе ты одурачил всех


Без маски, там где ты будешь скрываться

Не сможешь найти себя, потерянного во лжи


Теперь я знаю правду

Я знаю кто ты

И я больше не люблю тебя


Этого никогда не было и никогда не будет

Ты - не реален, и не можешь спасти меня

Так или иначе ты одурачил всех


Мой бессмертный


Так устала здесь бывать,

Свой детский страх переживать…

Решил уйти -

Стеной не стану на пути,

Ведь до тех пор, как ты со мной,

Не обрету покой.


Мне ран не исцелить

И боль не заглушить…

Не сможет время все это убить…


Ты плачешь – слезы твои я сотру,

Кричишь ты – все страхи твои уведу…

Навеки тебя за руку возьму…

Ведь я…



Поющим светом всегда сводил меня с ума…

Ты жизнь оставил позади, ею связав меня.

В мечтах витая, я вижу вновь лицо твое…

Твой голос губит все здравомыслие мое.


Мне ран не исцелить

И боль не заглушить…

Не сможет время все это убить…


Ты плачешь – слезы твои я сотру,

Кричишь ты – все страхи твои уведу…

Навеки тебя за руку возьму…

Ведь я…



Так трудно было признать: «Ты ушел»,

И хоть ты со мною пока,

Но я одна…

Навсегда …


Ты плачешь – слезы твои я сотру,

Кричишь ты – все страхи твои уведу…

Навеки тебя за руку возьму…

Ведь я…





Много затерянных слов медленно шепчешь мне

Всё еще не найду что держит меня здесь

Потому что все время, которое у меня есть невидимое

Я знаю, что все еще тут


Смотришь на меня, хочешь меня

Я могу чувствовать, что ты тянешь меня вниз

Боюсь тебя, люблю тебя

Я не позволю потянуть меня вниз


Охочусь за тобой, я чувствую твой запах - живой

Твое сердце колотиться в моей голове


Смотришь на меня, хочешь меня

Я могу чувствовать, что ты тянешь меня вниз

Хранишь меня, насилуешь меня

Смотришь на меня




Я пытаюсь убить боль

Но только приношу больше

Я лежу и умираю

И я лью темно-красное унижение и предательство

Я умираю, молясь, истекая кровью и крича

Я слишком потеряна, чтобы сохраниться

Я слишком потеряна?


Мой бог мой жгут

Верни мне спасение

Мой бог мой жгут

Верни мне спасение


Ты помнишь меня

Потеряна на долго

Находишься ли ты на другой стороне

Или ты забыл меня

Я умираю, молясь, истекая кровью и крича

Я слишком потеряна, чтобы сохраниться

Я слишком потеряна?


Мой бог, мой жгут,

Верни мне спасение,

Мой бог, мой жгут,

Верни мне спасение,

Мои раны требуют могилу,

Моя душа требует избавления,

Я была отвергнута Христосом,


Мое самоубийство...


Воображаемый мир


Замешкаюсь немного, на зов будильника спеша,

Чудовищ страшных крик, меня зовущих.

Позвольте мне остаться здесь,

Где шепот ветра слышу я

И сказки капелек дождя, на землю падающих.


На поле из цветов бумажных,

Под карамельным небом, что из колыбельных сплетено,

Лежу в себе часами, наблюдая,

Как облака пурпурные над головой плывут.


Не говорите мне, что я теряю связь

С этим свирепствующим хаосом – реальностью.

Я знаю слишком хорошо, что ждет меня за гранью моего убежища из сна –

Кошмар, спасаюсь от которого я в мире воображаемом.


Захлебываюсь криком,

Но остановиться не могу –

Безмолвие ночи меня пугает.

О как глубоким сном забыться я хочу,

Богиня воображаемого света.


Отправляешь меня


Ты не помнишь меня, но я помню тебя

Я бужу ложь и так стараюсь не думать о тебе

Но кто может решать о чем им думать

И я мечтаю...


Я верю в тебя,

Я оставлю все просто чтобы найти тебя,

Я должна быть с тобой чтобы жить, чтобы дышать,

Ты отправляешь меня.


Ты забыл все что я знала,

И все что у нас было,

Ты видел как я оплакивала свою любовь к тебе,

И тронул мою руку


Я знаю что ты меня потом полюбил,

Я верю в тебя,

Я оставлю все просто чтобы найти тебя,

Я должна быть с тобой чтобы жить, чтобы дышать.


Ты отправляешь меня,

Я смотрю в зеркало и вижу твое лицо,

Если я смотрю вглубь достаточно,

Так много вещей внутри которые просто как ты отправляют.




Игровая площадка, школьные звонок, снова

Дождь идет, приходит поиграть, снова

Никто не сообщил тебе, что она не дышит?

Привет, я твой разум, дающий тебе кого-нибудь для разговора



Если я улыбаюсь и не верю

Скоро я узнаю, что просыпаюсь из этого сна

Не пытайся исправить меня, я не сломалась

Привет я ложь, живу для тебя,

так ты не сможешь спрятаться

Не плачь.


Вдруг я узнаю, что я уже не сплю

Привет я все еще тут

Все что у меня было я оставила вчера


Demos, Rare, Covers

1. Exodus <3:05>

2. Give Unto Me <5:49>

3. Goodnite <1:32>

4. October <6:26>

5. Before The Dawn <3:14>

6. Bleed (I Must Be Dreaming) <4:18>

7. Solitude <5:43>

8. Forgive Me <3:01>

9. Understanding <7:19>

10. Forever Gone, Forever You <3:23>

11. So Close <4:31>

12. Surrender <3:37>

13. Thoughtless (Korn cover)

14. Broken (Seether & Amy Lee) <4:17>

15. Fall Into You (David Hodges & Amy Lee) <5:14:>

16. Heart Shaped Box (Nirvana cover)

17. My Immortal (Piano - Vocal) <5:18>

18. Zero (Smashing Pumpkins cover)





my black backpack's stuffed with broken dreams

20 bucks should get me through the week

never said a word of discontentment

fought it a thousand times but now

i'm leaving home



here in the shadows

i'm safe

i'm free

i've nowhere else to go but

i cannot stay where i don't belong


two months pass by and it's getting cold

i know i'm not lost

i am just alone

but i won't cry

i won't give up

i can't go back now

waking up is knowing who you really are


[chorus 2x]


show me the shadow where true meaning lies

so much more is made in empty eyes



Give Unto Me


I've been watching you from a distance

The distance sees through your disguise

All I want from you is your hurting

I want to heal you

I want to save you from the dark


Give unto me your troubles

I'll endure your suffering

Place onto me your burden

I'll drink your deadly poison


Why should I care if they hurt you

Somehow it matters more to me

Than if I were hurting myself

Save you (save you)

I'll save you


Give unto me your troubles

I'll endure your suffering

Place onto me your burden

I'll drink your deadly poison


Fear not the flame of my love's candle

Let it be the sun in your world of darkness

Give unto me all that frightens you

I'll have your nightmares for you

If you sleep soundly


Give unto me your troubles

I'll endure your suffering

Place onto me your burden

I'll drink your deadly poison


Fear not the flame of my love's candle

Let it be the sun in your world of darkness

Give unto me all that frightens you

I'll have your nightmares for you

If you sleep soundly


Fear not the flame of my love's candle

Let it be the sun in your world of darkness





Goodnight, sleep tight

No more tears

Goodnight morning, I'll be here

And when we say goodnight,

Dry your eyes

Because we said goodnight,

And now goodbye

We said goodnight

And now goodbye





I can't run anymore,

I fall before you,

Here I am,

I have nothing left,

Though I've tried to forget,

You're all that I am,

Take me home,

I'm through fighting it,



I give up,

You're my only strength,

Without you,

I can't go on,


Ever again.


My only hope,

(All the times I've tried)

My only peace,

(To walk away from you)

My only joy,

My only strength,

(I fall into your abounding grace)

My only power,

My only life,

(And love is where I am)

My only love.


I can't run anymore,

I give myself to you,

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry,

In all my bitterness,

I ignored,

All that's real and true,

All I need is you,

When night falls on me,

I'll not close my eyes,

I'm too alive,

And you're too strong,

I can't lie anymore,

I fall down before you,

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry.


My only hope,

(All the times I've tried)

My only peace,

(To walk away from you)

My only joy,

My only strength,

(I fall into your abounding grace)

My only power,

My only life,

(And love is where I am)

My only love.


Constantly ignoring,

The pain consuming me,

But this time it's cut too deep,

I'll never stray again.


My only hope,

(All the times I've tried)

My only peace,

(To walk away from you)

My only joy,

My only strength,

(I fall into your abounding grace)

My only power,

My only life,

(And love is where I am)

My only love,

My only hope,

(All the times I've tried)

My only peace,

(To walk away from you)

My only joy,

My only strength,

(I fall into your abounding grace)

My only power,

My only life,

(And love is where I am)

My only love.



Before The Dawn


Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you

I am nothing more than to see you there

And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away

We'll be lost before the dawn


If only night can hold you where i can see you, my love

Then let me never ever wake again

And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away

We'll be lost before the dawn



somehow i know that we cant wake again from this dream

it's not real, but it's ours


Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away

We'll be lost before the dawn


Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away

We'll be lost before the dawn




[Music Fades Out]



I Must Be Dreaming



How can I pretend that I don't see

What you hide so carelessly?

I saw her bleed

You heard me breathe

So I froze inside myself

And turned away

I must be dreaming


We all live

We all die

That does not begin to justify you


It's not what it seems

Not what you think

No I must be dreaming

It's only in my mind

Not in real life

No I must be dreaming


Help you know I've got to tell someone

Tell them what I know you've done

I fear you but spoken fears can come true


We all live

We all die

That does not begin to justify you


It's not what it seems

Not what you think

No I must be dreaming

It's only in my mind

Not in real life

No I must be dreaming


Not what it seems

Not what you think

I must be dreaming


Just in my mind

Not in real life

I must be dreaming





how many times have you told me you love her

as many times as i've wanted to tell you the truth

how long have i stood here beside you

i live through you

you looked through me


ooh, solitude,

still with me is only you

ooh, solitude,

i can't stay away from you


how many times have i done this to myself

how long will it take before i see

when will this hole in my heart be mended

who now is left alone but me


ooh, solitude,

forever me and forever you

ooh, solitude,

only you, only true


everyone leave me stranded

forgotten, abandoned, left behind

i can't stay here another night


your secret in my heart

who could it be


ooh, can't you see

all along it was me

how can you be so blind

as to see right through me


and ooh, solitude,

still with me is only you

ooh, solitude,

i can't stay away from you


ooh, solitude,

forever me and forever you

ooh, solitude,

only you, only true




Is this real enough for you

You were so confused

Now that you've decided to stay

We'll remain together


You can't abandon me

You belong to me


Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love



Darling, there's no sense in running

You know I will find you

Everything is perfect now

We can live forever


You can't abandon me

You belong me


Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love



Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love




Forgive Me


Can you forgive me again?

I don't know what I said

But I didn't mean to hurt you


I heard the words come out

I felt like I would die

It hurt so much to hurt you


Then you look at me

You're not shouting anymore

You're silently broken


I'd give anything now

to hear those words from you


Each time I say something I regret I cry "I don't want to lose you."

But somehow I know that you will never leave me, yeah.


'Cause you were made for me

Somehow I'll make you see

How happy you make me


I can't live this life

Without you by my side

I need you to survive


So stay with me

You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry.


And you forgive me again

You're my one true friend

And I never meant to hurt you



Understanding (Wash It All Away)


"You hold the answers deep within your own mind.

Consciously, you've forgotten it.

That's the way the human mind works.

Whenever something is too unpleasant, to shameful for us

to entertain, we reject it.

We erase it from our memories.

But the answer is always there."


(Can't wash it all away)

(Can't Wish it all away)

(Can't hope it all away)

(Can't cry it all away)


The pain that grips you

The fear that binds you

Releases life in me

In our mutual

Shame we idolize

To blind them from the truth

That finds a way from who we are

Please don't be afraid

When the darkness fades away

The dawn will break the silence

Screaming in our hearts

My love for you still grows

This I do for you

Before I try to fight the truth my final time


"We're supposed to try and be real.

And I feel alone, and we're not together. And that is real."


Can't wash it all away

Can't wish it all away

Can't cry it all away

Can't scratch it all away


Lying beside you

Listening to you breathe

The life that flows inside of you

Burns inside of me

Hold and speak to me

Of love without a sound

Tell me you will live through this

And I will die for you

Cast me not away

Say you'll be with me

For I know I cannot

Bear it all alone


"You're not alone, are you?"

"Never... Never."


Can't fight it all away

Can't hope it all away

Can't scream it all away

It just won't fade away, No


Can't wash it all away

Can't wish it all away

Can't cry it all away

Can't scratch it all away


(Can't fight it all away)

(Can't hope it all away)

Can't scream it all away

Ooh, it all away

Ooh, it all away


"But the answer is always there. Nothing is ever really forgotten."

"Because I'm tired of it too."

"Because I'm tired of it too."

"Because I'm tired of it too."

"Because I'm tired of it too."

"Because I'm tired of it too."



Forever Gone, Forever You


I wanted you to be with me

For so long I don't even know by now

But now that I've given up on you

Defiantly you see me


Walking away I see the pain

You put me through

Lost in your game to change the same

Forever gone, forever you


There's something very wrong about this

I think you knew all along somehow

You'll only take me to change my mind

Lonely, broken, and defeated


So far away I see the truth

I see through you

Now that I know the way you play

I don't want to


Walking away I see the pain

You put me through

Lost in your game to change the same

Forever gone, forever you


So Close


I've spent so much time throwing rocks at your window

That I never even knocked on the front door


I walk by statues never even made one chip

but if i could leave a mark on the monument of the heart

I just might lay myself down for a little more than I had the last day


Wait a time to spare these lies we tell ourselves

These days have come and gone

But this time is sweeter than honey




Is this real enough for you

You were so confused

Now that you've decided to stay

We'll remain together


You can't abandon me

You belong to me


Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love



Darling, there's no sense in running

You know I will find you

Everything is perfect now

We can live forever


You can't abandon me

You belong me


Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love



Breathe in and take my life in you

No longer myself only you

There's no escaping me, my love





[Originally by Korn]


All of my hate cannot be bound

I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming

So you can try to tear me down

Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming


Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies

Pushing all the mercy down, down, down

I wanna see you try to take a swing at me

Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground


Why are you trying to make fun of me?

You think it's funny? What the fuck you think it's doing to me?

You take your turn lashing out at me

I want you crying when you're bloody down in front of me


All of my hate cannot be bound

I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming

So you can try to tear me down

Beat me to the ground

I will see you screaming


Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies

I'm above you, smiling at you, drown, drown, drown

I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me

And I'll pull the trigger And you're down, down, down


Why are you trying to make fun of me?

You think it's funny? What the fuck you think it's doing to me?

You take your turn lashing out at me

I want you crying when you're bloody down in front of me


All of my hate cannot be bound

I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming

So you can try to tear me down

Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming


All my friends are gone,

they died (gonna take you down)

They all screamed, and cried (gonna take you down)

Never gonna forget, never forget, how we hate the world [x4]

(Gonna take you down)


All of my hate cannot be bound

I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming

So you can try to tear me down

and Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming


All of my hate cannot be bound

I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming

So you can try to tear me down

Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming


Seether & Amy Lee - Broken


I wanted you to know

I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph;

I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain


Because I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away


You've gone away

You don't feel me here, anymore


The worst is over now and we can breathe again

I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away

There's so much left to learn,

and no one left to fight

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain


‘Cause I'm broken when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

‘Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away


‘Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away


You've gone away

You don't feel me here, anymore


Fall Into You (David Hodges feat. Amy Lee)




Seems so far

That i have gone down this road

Only to find that it ends

But lookin' back

There is one thing that I know

I can't make it all alone again


'Cause im too weak to stand on my own

But all I need is you



So lead me

Guide me

Hold me

Hide me in love

With all that you are

and all that you do


Hear me

Take me

Mold me

Break me a God

Just fill all of me

As i fall Into you


Just catch me as I fall

But all this time

I have felt so alone

losing myself in my dispair

With loving arms

You were waiting for me to let go

With every step

you were there


'Cause I'm too weak to stand on my own

When all i need is you




Oh my child

How i have longed

You to come home

to where you belong

All of your life

If you could just see

All of my joy

When you are here with me (X2)


Hear me Take me

mold me

break me a god

Just fill all of me

as I fall into you



Heart Shaped Box


She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak

I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks

I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back


Hey! Wait!

I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Hey! Wait!

I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Your advice


Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet

Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath

Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black

Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back


Hey! Wait!

I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Hey! Wait!

I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Your advice (x3)


My Immortal (Piano, Vocal)


I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

I would give the very breath from my chest

To give you all the things that my mind couldn't bear

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone


These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have

All of me


You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts

My once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away

All the sanity in me


These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have

All of me


I'd love to walk away and pull myself out of the rain

But I can't leave without you

I'd love to live without the constant fear and endless doubt

But I can't live without you


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have

All of me




My reflection, dirty mirror

There's no connection to myself

I'm your lover, I'm your zero

I'm in the face of your dreams of glass

So save your prayers

For when we're really gonna need'em

Throw out your cares and fly

Wanna go for a ride?


She's the one for me

She's all I really need

Cause she's the one for me

Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness

And cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me

Intoxicated with the madness, I'm in love with my sadness

Bullshit fakers, enchanted kingdoms

The fasion victims chew their charcoal teeth

I never let on, that I was on a sinking ship

I never let on that I was down

You blame yourself, for what you can't ignore

You blame yourself for wanting more

She's the one for me

She's all I really need

She's the one for me

She's my one and only

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